Make Sure A Trade Show is Worth Your Time To Exhibit

Deciding to exhibit at a trade show can be a tough decision for business owners. It’s expensive, takes time and people to make it work, but doing it right can help get more people to see and recognize your brand. Use these tips to help make sure that attending and exhibiting at a trade show goes well and is worth the effort.

Do some research before you go

Make sure you pick the right shows to go to. Find a show and look over the history of the show. Get an idea of the turnout of both attendees and exhibitors. A lot of important information can be learned just from going to the expo’s website. Using this tip, you can give you an idea of the value of going to whatever show you are looking into. Also make sure that you look into hotels near the show and take the cost of travel into account when planning to go.

Get the most out of your booth

The best thing you can do is plan. Plan ahead as much as you can. Check to see what is included in the booth space and what you need to buy/rent for the time of the show. Know your space and plan the setup well. Make sure to keep your costs in check to not overspend on things you don’t need.

So, let’s say that all goes well you made it to the show and your booth is setup what to do now?  Well the first thing to know is that you need to never leave your booth alone if someone has to step out make sure that at least one of you are still there to manage everything. Handouts are another important way of having your business stay in the minds of people that visited your booth. Nothing special just some branded takeaways like a little flyer or a pen with the logo on it. Have an idea on what you are going to say to someone when they are interested in your booth. It’s important to have a basic pitch that you can use to explain what you are offering. Use these tips to help get the most out of your time being there.

Keep your leads organized

If you have done a good job finding leads and taking down people’s information you will find yourself with a lot of email, business cards and phone numbers. Having a good way to document and organize your best leads and keep track of people you already have contacted is very important. Try not to wait too long when getting back to customers you’ve met. Its best to contact them within a few days, so they don’t forget about you.

This article is based off a post by Justin Kulla posted on the website Article found here.